Service Hotlines: 40086 95575 (Mainland China) (852) 3719 1288 (Hong Kong)Trading Hotlines: 40086 95575 (Mainland China) (852) 3719 1201 (Hong Kong)

  • Global Quality Equities

    The equities of global excellent enterprises e.g. high-quality Internet enterprises in Hong Kong stock market and high-tech enterprises in the United States stock market are available for your investment to share the growth opportunities

  • Plentiful Trading Opportunities

    The equity transactions with vaster investment targets, longer trading time and more investment chances in over 10 equity markets worldwide including Hong Kong and US stock market

  • Abundant Investment Products

    The investment products in Hong Kong and the rest of the world involving bonds, funds, options, notes, warrants, CBBC and other creative investment products

  • High Fund Utilization Rate

    The Hong Kong and United States stock market are mature capital markets with complete systems, strict supervision, explicit regulations, transparent operations, flexible T+0 trading and a high fund utilization rate

  • Appropriate Leverage

    We provide a 10/20 leverage ratio for your IPO subscription with financing in Hong Kong equity stock, support the mortgage refinancing of holdings and offer the grade-based prime rates

  • Local Advisory Services

    Local Advisory Services: the local investment advisory services are delivered to you by our advisors who are skillful and familiar with domestic and overseas investment markets which are , helpful for your global asset allocation